Resolved -
Following our analysis, starting from approximately 20:15 UTC, installs have been attributed correctly to new impressions recorded after that time.
Installs will not be attributed to impressions received before 20:15 UTC.
Additionally, we observed a lower rate of re-engagement attributions during the incident window (approximately 19:35–20:10 UTC).
The issue has been fully resolved.
If you experience any further issues, please contact our support team.
Mar 24, 20:59 UTC
Update -
As of approximately 20:10 UTC, installs are being attributed to clicks.
We are still analyzing the status of attribution to impressions.
We will continue to provide updates.
Thank you for your patience.
Mar 24, 20:32 UTC
Identified -
As of 19:35 UTC, new installs are attributed only to Self-Reporting Networks (SRNs) and organic sources due to an issue preventing attribution to clicks and impressions.
We will provide further updates as soon as possible.
Mar 24, 20:14 UTC